Gleich zwei unserer Schülerinnen der Klasse 3DR waren beim More! Schreibwettbewerb der 7. Schulstufe erfolgreich. Ihre Beiträge konnten sich gegen viele andere aus Niederösterreich durchsetzen.
Die SchülerInnen mussten zu einem der beiden vorgegebenen Themen, wahlweise “The day the music died“ oder “What it’s like to be young today“ einen Text verfassen. Fast die ganze Klasse nahm am Wettbewerb teil.
Die knapp 2.000 Beiträge aller SchülerInnen aus ganz Östrreich wurden von einer Fachjury gelesen und beurteilt. Die kreativen Texte von Katharina Laager und Gioia Kreiker konnten sich dabei gegen die Konkurrenz aus Niederösterreich durchsetzen und beide wurden zu zwei von fünf „Regional Champions“ aus ihrem Bundesland ausgezeichnet.
Die Gewinnerinnen erhielten eine Urkunde und einen Preis in Form eines hochwertigen Schreibsets. Außerdem werden ihre Beiträge, aufgrund ihrer hohen Qualität, in einem eigenen Buch veröffentlicht werden.
Auch ihre Englischlehrerin, Mag. Nadine Lichtenwörther, wurde mit einem „Teaching Excellence Certificate“ für ihre Unterstützung und Motivation ausgezeichnet.
Die beiden Gewinnerinnen werden sich nun im bundesweiten Vergleich mit den SiegerInnen aus den anderen Bundesländern messen. Die ganze Klasse drückt die Daumen und wünscht viel Erfolg!
Anbei die Gewinner-Beiträge zum Durchlesen:
To be young is amazing but school life destroys it. School itself is quite fun and amazing but when one teacher doesn`t like you personally then everything is your fault and your school life isn`t cool.
After school, you have to do so much work because you have to do your homework and have to learn for every class. And it is often the case that you have to explain the material to yourself because your teacher can`t explain it well.
The biggest problem is when you get a bad grade on a test. It doesn`t happen because you didn`t study hard enough. But when you have an older brother or sister and you want to be as good as them then you have extra stress. Also, your last test was bad so you don`t trust yourself. Then your parents don`t trust you and send you to extra teaching. Then you have even less time even though you didn`t have much time before. So you lose many friends because you have no time for them. And you often can`t pursue your hobbies because you have to study for school. And losing friends is a bad thing.
This shows that you have to waste so much time and energy for school that you don`t have time for friends, hobbies, family and your life. Most of the time you just wish your childhood back because everything was easier.
Gioia Kreiker, 3DR
Saskia lives in an old Scottish village and she is 14 years old.
In her village, the people believe in old legends and fairytales. The most famous of them is the legend of the “Fairy of Music”. Since hundreds of years, parents tell the story to their children.
One day, Saskia came home from school and it was very quiet. There weren’t any street musicians with their violins. In the background, thunder rumbling. So Saskia went a little bit faster to be home before it began to rain. A few minutes before she got home it started to rain and the street was struck by lightning right in front of her feet and in this lightning, she heard a voice that said to her “Go to the forest and find your song because the Fairy of Music is dying and when she dies the music in the whole world will disappear.”
Saskia didn’t know why but she believed the voice and on the same day she went into the forest. In a clearing, she saw a fairy. The fairy said to her that her grandmother was the fairy of music and after her death Saskia would inherit her magic talent. So Saskia became the new Fairy of Music. On this day, she saved the music and in many, many years when she will die, a new fairy will have to save the music.
Katharina Laager, 3DR